Even though I am not writing that much these days, I am still reading like a madman to keep myself up to date on upcoming technologies. One thing, I was not looking forward to reading was the 900+ page spec on HTML5. Thankfully, a book I have just recently finished helped solve this problem, so I thought it deserves a few words.

HTML5 for Web Designers by the uber-awesome Jeremy Keith was a highly enjoyable, yet informative read that I would highly recommend. Anyone remotely interested in HTML5 is sure to learn a great deal from one of the industry’s master craftsmen.

Jeremy touches on everything from the history of HTML/XHTML, new structural elements, and APIs, and also offers tips on how to start preparing your site to make the leap and how to start using the technology today.

The book is a quick read but the content is of the highest quality, which is to be expected from Mr. Keith and the folks at A Book Apart.

If you’re looking to familiarize yourself with the latest upcoming version of HTML, I would highly recommend picking up a copy of HTML5 for Web Designers. Two thumbs up, 5 of 5 stars and one hell of a great read!

You can pick up a copy over at A Book Apart where it’s available in paperback and as an ebook.


  1. Thank you so much for the kind words, Phillip. Glad you liked the book.

  2. Phillip says:

    @Jeremy – WOW! Thanks for your comment! It’s an honor to have you even visit my site! HA! Keep up your truly inspirational work!

  3. Hector Luis De Jesus says:

    Hey nice website, im a really apasionate web site trining from Dominican Republic

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