Welp, it’s been a good 5 years or so since the blog has been updated around here. It’s time to dust it off.

I started thinking about why I stopped posting and to be honest no good reason really came to mind. It was a practice that I had tried to do somewhat regularly for quite some time.

So much has changed in the past 5 years and but not as rapidly as things have changed in 2020. Where do I begin?

  • I got a new job in February. (Check out Kajabi btw. Most awesome!)
  • The COVID-19 pandemic started and America refused to mask up.
  • My wife and I relocated our family from the Bay Area to Southern California.
  • Folks rightfully started taking to the streets to protest systematic racial injustice and inequality.
  • Oh, and it’s an election year to boot.

You’d think with all of that going on, that I could come up with something to jot down for a quick blog post and maybe this is the start. 2020 has worn us all out but has made me want to sit down and write a quick update.

Now that the a bit of the dust is gone, hopefully, I’ll be inspired to start writing and sharing more frequently. Stay safe everyone and thanks for reading.


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