After some months of working in my spare time, the switch on the Postcards from Berlin beta website has finally been switched to the on position. The idea for the site is the brainchild of Gabriel Shalom & Patrizia Kommerell, who were nice enough to ask me to collaborate and help out with a bit of design & front-end development.

Postcards from Berlin Website

The idea behind the project:

There are 32 places in America named Berlin and the objective is to collect true stories about these Berlins in the form of video, text, and images. The idea is to create a space for collaborative storytelling, in which participants can share their stories as well as contribute perspective to the stories of others. If all goes well the plan is to pick the 12 most interesting stories and make an episodic feature film!

The Brains

Gabriel & Pati ( have worked really hard to spread the word, not only locally here in Berlin Germany, but also to as many people as possible in the Berlins throughout the United States. The site and idea for the project, along with their passion and drive are something that is a true inspiration to watch and be involved with.

The Braun

I also had the chance to work with two great developers that did their best to teach me more about programming and how each bit of the site worked while I styled the bits with CSS. A huge amount of props goes out to Tom Hartnell ( & Gavin Norman ( who both whipped the site into submission and are doing things with code that are truly amazing.

I am thrilled that the beta site is up and running and ready for participants to start submitting their stories. I can’t wait to see what gets submitted and I can only imagine how awesome the film will be. It is a really creative idea and one I strongly believe will be a success!

The website team

If you haven’t checked it out yet, get over to to learn more about the project and how to participate!

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