I recently submitted my site to be critiqued by the fine folks over at Please Critique Me. After receiving some great feedback from Chris Wallace, I decided to make a couple of updates around here.
While most of the updates this time are mainly visual, I have a few ideas in the works to help clean up my site even more. Stay tuned for a few more tweaks and updates that I will be adding as time permits.
A huge thanks to Chris for giving me the boost I needed to work on my personal site. I tend to neglect my site because of client work but after getting feedback and suggestions (some of which were very eye-opening) I figured I better do something about it.
I hope my changes help out the overall visual appeal of the site, but drop me a comment and let me know what you think and if I am headed in the right direction. This site is always under construction so it would be awesome to hear what others think.
Also make sure to check out Chris’ site and follow him on twitter, or else!
Thanks Chris! It’s just a start and I really only focused on the homepage. As time permits I am going to keep tweaking and will probably bug the hell out of you until you say, “That’s it!”
Nicely done Phillip. Still a few tweaks I would make, but overall it is much cleaner, especially the homepage. Congrats!
No worries, a personal site should always be your playground, so experiment with it and try some new things. Don’t be afraid to make changes, this is where you can have some fun with web design (hopefully your normal projects are fun too).