I know some folks say RSS is dying. Apparently, those folks haven’t seen the number of feeds I subscribe to. I have tried many feed readers over the years and I have to say Reeder is my new favorite!
Reeder not only has a wonderfully designed interface, but it’s also available on my iPhone which allows me to stay up to date when I am not in front of a computer. Reeder syncs with Google Reader and keeps all my devices up to date.
If you have been looking for a new feed reader, I would encourage you to check out Reeder for Mac (currently in public beta), iPhone, or iPad
Way easier on the eyes when reading. Edit Reeder.app to have dark bg and light text http://t.co/kGFlunZ. Swap ‘article.html’ in resources fldr with http://t.co/vS7lohf.
Thanks for the tip Marc and for stopping by!